Monthly Archives: August 2012

Kudos for William Black’s Performance on CNBC

Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) has a post giving kudos to William Black for his performance on CNBC’s Closing Bell. The episode’s topic was whether or not Goldman Sachs should or could be prosecuted on fraud charges for their part in the financial crisis.


Saletan’s elegy for Paul Ryan’s DOA budget fantasy

By William K. Black

William Saletan has written a column that epitomizes the media’s bizarre infatuation with Paul Ryan.  Saletan entitles his piece “Why I Love Paul Ryan.”  His intro summarizes his attraction to Ryan:  “He’s what a Republican should be: an honest, open-minded, solution-oriented fiscal conservative.”

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Romney takes his Political Inspiration from Europe’s Worst Mistakes

By William K. Black

One of Governor Romney’s criticisms of President Obama is that he “takes his political inspiration from Europe….”

Romney never gives specifics on this criticism.  The irony is that Romney (and Representative Ryan) “takes his political inspiration from Europe” and that the European policies they embrace have already proven disastrous in Europe.  Here are five examples: Continue reading

Going after Wall Street – and watching the clock

NEP’s William K. Black provides input on the approaching deadline imposed by statute of limitations on prosecutions related to the economic crisis. You can read the article here.


“Budget Hero” – Public Media’s Most Despicable Financial Propaganda

By William K. Black
(Cross-posted from

We know that the supporters of austerity simultaneously urge us to reject “European socialism” while adopting the key European strategies that drove Europe into recession – twice.  American conservatives assume that Europe must epitomize stringent financial regulation.  The opposite is true.  Europe adopted “light touch” financial regulation pursuant to neo-liberal economic theory.  Its embrace of the three “de’s” – deregulation, desupervision, and de facto decriminalization was far more extreme than the United States.  The City of London “won” the regulatory race to the bottom with the U.S.  European’s Continue reading

Banking industry must rebuild from new foundations

NEP’s own William K. Black weighs in on regulatory reform in light of Standard Chartered scandal. Read the story here.

Krugman Now Sees the Perversity of Economics’ “Culture of Fraud”

By William K. Black

Paul Krugman has written an article entitled “Culture of Fraud” about the Romney economics team.

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W. Black’s 8/10 Appearance on CNBC’s Closing Bell

By William K. Black

My August 10th appearance on CNBC’s Closing Bell opposite Bethany McLean. The debate topic was the failure to prosecute Goldman Sachs for any role in the financial crisis.



L. R. Wray’s Appearance on “Beneath the Surface” with Suzi Weissman

By L. Randall Wray

Podcast of my August 3rd appearance on Suzi Weismann’s Beneath the Surface on KPFK. Further discussion of “Why We’re Screwed”.

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Eduardo Porter’s “Folly”—Why we must end the “Race to the bottom”

By William K Black

Eduardo Porter began by studying physics but decided not to complete his studies and pursue a career in that field in favor of becoming a journalist.  He worked for the Wall Street Journal before joining the New York Times, where he writes a periodic column.  His primary interest is now economics.  I was intrigued by a recent column he did entitled “The Folly of Attacking Outsourcing.”

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