By William K. Black
April 17, 2016 Bloomington, MN
In the first installment of this column I showed how radically the states of the former Confederacy are acting to destroy the policies of the “New South” and disinter the Old South. I used North Carolina as my example. This second column focuses on the renewed assault of the Old South on the LGBT community. In particular, I discuss why so much of the business community reacts so strongly in opposition to this assault. But what I am most interested in is explaining why the political leaders of the Old South’s renewed assault are flabbergasted by the business community’s opposition and respond to it in ways that reinforce the opposition. The emerging leaders of the Old South simply cannot understand why national and global business leaders see the assault on the LGBT community as a problem. I think the anti-LGBT political leadership of the reemerged Old South have three problems that explains this lack of understanding.