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Dan Kervick Appearing Today on The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen

I will be appearing today on The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, broadcast by WNHN 94.7 in Concord, New Hampshire.   My appearance is scheduled for 11:30 AM EST.   The discussion will be wide-ranging, but I hope to focus on the just-concluded fiscal cliff deal,  the upcoming Washington battle over the debt ceiling and the sequester, and the misguided bipartisan push for austerity in the context of high unemployment and weak growth.   Maybe The Coin will come up too!

You can listen to the live broadcast of the show at the link below:

“The Attitude” with Arnie Arnesen on WNHN 94.7 FM

I will post the link to the archived podcast later today, as soon as it is available.

Putting the Pains in their Place

By Dan Kervick

As part of his Tuesday night statement on the fiscal cliff deal he had just concluded with Congress, President Obama boldly affirmed that he would not negotiate over the debt ceiling, implicitly raising the dire specter of government default to defend his position:

Now, one last point I want to make — while I will negotiate over many things, I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they’ve already racked up through the laws that they passed. Let me repeat: We can’t not pay bills that we’ve already incurred. If Congress refuses to give the United States government the ability to pay these bills on time, the consequences for the entire global economy would be catastrophic — far worse than the impact of a fiscal cliff. 

Now this is the kind of thing that tends to make star-struck Democrats weak in the knees.  Partisan Democrats are always extraordinarily impressed by ejaculations of tough talk from President Obama.  But they often have difficulty distinguishing the stagy theatrics of tough talk from the drab backstage reality of tough action.  And unfortunately, every time Obama succeeds in turning some policy debate into a theatrical tilt with Republican leaders, progressives lose.  They lose because Obama’s Democratic supporters will usually follow him almost anywhere – so long as he gives them an emotionally gratifying “win” in the end.  Of course, they will allow Obama himself to define the rules and objectives of the games he is playing, and thus to implicitly define what constitutes winning.

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My Appearance Today on The Attitude

I appeared today on The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, broadcast by WNHN 94.7 in Concord, New Hampshire.   The topic of our discussion was full employment, and the possibility of moving to a full employment economy by using a Job Guarantee program.

Deborah “Arnie” Arnesen is a former member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, a former fellow of the Harvard Institute of Politics, and was the Democratic nominee in the New Hampshire 1992 gubernatorial race.  She also ran for the U.S. Congress in 1996, and is a very well-known New Hampshire political figure and radio personality.  You can listen to the podcast of the show at the link below:

“The Attitude” with Arnie Arnesen on WNHN 94.7 FM

NEP Stands with Correntewire

By Stephanie Kelton

Our friend Lambert Strether is having a fundraiser and we at NEP want to support him the way he supported us more than three years ago.  We hadn’t met before, but Lambert wrote to ask if we would come to Washington, DC as an antidote to the “fiscal sustainability teach-in” that Peter G. Peterson was hosting. We agreed, and Lambert set about raising money and interest in the event.  Warren Mosler, Bill Mitchell, Randy Wray, Pavlina Tcherneva and I all participated.

Correntwire was also one of the very few places where the Proof Platinum Coin concept took root and sprouted.  He’s a tireless advocate who deserves our thanks.

If you support MMT, then please consider helping out someone who has done so much to help us over the years.  Click here to help.

Neoliberal Mythologies

By Dan Kervick

It’s hard enough for ordinary citizens to keep up with the routine crony rackets the American plutocracy runs with their lackeys in Washington to rob us blind and lock us in the neo-feudal cages they are trying to build out of the bones of what was once the US middle class.  But the task of keeping up with the scams becomes even harder when central bankers promulgate myths and hide behind shibboleths designed to prevent the public from grasping just how much power we all still possess to seize control of our own destinies.

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Romney’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan

We have been able to find the details of Romney’s $5 Trillion tax plan. The details are available by clicking here.


How Economic Inequality Harms Societies

Richard Wilkinson’s TED presentation.

Former NY FED President McDonough is worried about your $4 million

By Lucy Komisar
(This post is courtesy of

I was having lunch today at the Council on Foreign Relations before a meeting with one of the national leaders in town for the UN General Assembly. At my table was William F. McDonough, president of the New York Fed from 1993 to 2003. That meant he was vice chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which formulates U.S. monetary policy.

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Modern Money and Public Purpose

Randall Wray and Michael Hudson both presented at the inaugural session of Modern Money and Public Purpose. This seminar series is held at Columbia University’s Law School and is organized by the Workers’ Rights Student Coalition. Over the coming months, several MMT proponents will be presenting as part of the series including Stephanie Kelton and Warren Mosler on September 25th. Continue reading

The Unanimous Declaration of the Keynesian Coalition

By Tyler Healey

IN AMERICA, September, 2012

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one school of economic thought to dissolve the bands which have connected it with others, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and superior station to which the Laws of Science entitle it, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that the members of their school should declare the causes which impel the separation.

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