Author Archives: Devin Smith

Trump’s 2005 Tax Forms: ‘Like Going to Dinner And Being Served Pictures of Food’

NEP’s Bill Black appears on The Real News Network along with economist James Henry hypothesizing that here are fraudulent and criminal activities lurking within Trump’s unreleased Tax forms. The video is below. You can view with transcript here.

Steve Mnuchin, Who Played Key Role in Foreclosure Crisis, Confirmed As Treasury Secretary

NEP’s William Black appears on The Real News Network discussing that a Mnuchin-owned bank made hundreds of billions of dollars of fraudulent mortgage loans that caused a financial catastrophe. You can view with transcript here.

MMT And Debunking AMI: Postive Money

Steve Grumbine talks with NEP’s L. Randall Wray for Real Progressives LIVE. Topics include MMT and Debunking AMI: Positive Money and other important and relevant economic issues that affect the progressive agenda.

Private Sector Will Make a Killing Off of Infrastructure Bank

NEP’s Bill Black appears on The Real News Network discussing that Democrats and Republicans appear willing to offer public-private partnerships and tax credits to the benefit of Wall Street. You can view with transcript here.

Executive Order on Regulations Will Benefit Large Corporations, Not Small Businesses

NEP’s Bill Black on The Real News Network discussing how the Trump administration is using small business as an excuse for wholesale assault on regulation. You can view with a transcript here.

How the Small Business Administration Will Be Used to Destroy Regulations

NEP’s Bill Black says Linda McMahon’s career involved exploiting workers as independent contractors and sabotaging small businesses as he appears on The Real News Network below. You can view with transcript here.

Whistleblowers Can Pose Real Challenge to Trump

NEP’s Bill Black and Norman Soloman join TRNN’s live inauguration coverage to discuss the criminogenic environment that will thrive under the Trump administration as well as its unprecedented conflicts of interest.

You can watch here with transcript.

JMK Writings Project


DECEMBER 8, 2016.


I thank, from the bottom of my heart, all those who have backed the campaign, with donations ranging from USD5 to USD1,000.  Almost everyone has said complimentary things about the proposed edition (‘great idea’, ‘wonderful project’,   ‘best of luck’ etc), but far fewer have followed up with contributions.

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Wray on Minsky on “Hopping Mad”

On Monday, 31 October 2016, Dr. L. Randall Wray was on the radio program and podcast, Hopping Mad with Will McLeod & Arliss Bunny. The focus of the interview was Wray’s newest book, Why Minsky Matters:  An Introduction to the Work of a Maverick Economist. The interview was more than an hour long so Wray was able to give lengthy answers without being pressured for time.

Dr. Wray’s book, Why Minsky Matters can be found on the Princeton University Press website and on Amazon where it is is available as both a hardcopy and download.

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Paid Leave and Daycare: Luxuries of the Wealthy

Originally published in The Minskys by Lara Merling

The U.S. trails the rest of the world in benefits available to families. Currently, the only industrialized country that does not guarantee paid maternity leave for new mothers is the United States. While other countries offer generous paid parental leave and some form of childcare subsidies, the U.S. does not. This lack of policies to support working families widens economic inequality and limits opportunities of children not born in wealthy households.


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