By William K. Black
June 5, 2016 Bloomington, MN
Proponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) know that they have a major problem. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump each oppose the deal. CEOs, however, have not given up on their dream of being able to rig the international system through the creation of kangaroo tribunals that can, effectively, destroy effective regulation and the enforcement of rules to protect the public. As I explained in my most recent column on this subject, “trade” is simply the pretext for this assault on the rule of law and national sovereignty. President Obama plans to try to get the TPP approved by the lame duck Senate after the November elections. Outgoing officials no longer must fear (or respect the will of) the voters and they are eager to cash in on the corporate largess that will reward politicians that vote for the international CEO impunity deals.