Daily Archives: September 10, 2013

Not with a Bang but a Whimper – the SEC Enforcement Team’s Propaganda Campaign

By William K. Black

The New York Times has one of those “inside” stories that unintentionally demonstrate the collapse of justice and financial reporting.  This genre involves the media reporting gravely (and uncritically) the administration’s claims that its failure to prosecute any elite for the largest and most destructive financial frauds in history actually demonstrates the exceptional ethical rectitude of the non-prosecutors and non-enforcers.  Journalists, unlike alchemists, can transmute dross into gold.  In the NYT’s account a pathetic failure of competence, integrity, and courage at the SEC is reimagined as a fantastic triumph of vigor and ethics on the part of the SEC enforcement attorney who refused to seek to hold Lehman’s senior officers accountable for their violations but otherwise became the scourge of elite frauds.  In the end, he is promoted for his dedication to “justice” and is now the anti-enforcement leader of the SEC’s enforcement group.

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