By Michael Hoexter
[Part I] [Part II] [Part III] [Part IV]
7. Outline of An Actually-Effective Climate Policy
Actually-effective climate policy, which might be called a comprehensive climate and energy policy, then has the following components:
1) National Carbon Mitigation Plan: National carbon mitigation plans (reduce emissions of greenhouse gas emissions to zero or below) commissioned by individual governments that outline the high-level designs of a zero-net-carbon infrastructure for projected 2050 energy and transportation demand in a particular nation. Such plans should assume no technological breakthroughs but deployment of existing technologies or foreseeable successor generations of these technologies. For each nation these plans will look quite different depending on existing infrastructure, natural resources, cultural preferences, and geography. The plan will include targets for carbon mitigation via land use changes and energy conservation. Such climate plans should include alternative technological and land-use scenarios which would also estimate the carbon emissions required to build those various scenarios. A scenario with the highest likelihood of success (defined below) would be chosen first with regular check-points built-in for progress as well as preparation for fall-back scenarios in case of bottlenecks closing down paths and new developments opening up new paths. Such a plan will need to be built around durable social values, ensuring its resilience to both natural and man-made challenges and changes. In-built into planning would be a “no-regrets” policy, if in the face of well-tested innovations, substantial changes will yield a better social and environmental outcome. However, implementation of the plan cannot be shelved or delayed on the basis of speculative claims of improved outcomes by pursuing new and untried innovative technologies.
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