Tag Archives: CBO

Applebee’s Obamacare Rant Reveals the Lies of the Deficit Hysteria

By William K. Black

Zane Tankel, a wealthy owner of over 40 Applebee franchises has attracted media attention by denouncing Obamacare and claiming that it will impose such burdensome expenses on him that he will need to fire workers, limit the hours of existing workers so that they are part-time and do not qualify for health insurance coverage, and cancel plans to open new restaurants.  The media reaction has understandably focused on the public rage at such a wealthy man throwing his workers under the bus.  I write to make a different point.  Tankel illustrates some of the reasons why the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) projections of a purported U.S. financial crisis arising from the safety net are baseless.

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The “Fiscal Cliff” Validates MMT

By Thornton “Tip” Parker

The fiscal cliff of increased taxes and reduced federal spending resulted from the hasty wedding of Congress and the Administration a few months back when the debt ceiling became a shotgun.  Now, all parties want something different.

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Life After Debt

By Doug Bowles (UMKC)

The CBO’s post-election report released a couple of days ago (apparently in support of advancing the prospects for a Grand Bargain, aka the Great Betrayal) is grounded in relatively pessimistic projections with regard to federal deficit and debt growth.  (See this powerful critique of CBO’s methodology by Follette and Sheiner)  In assessing just how much credibility these projections deserve to be accorded in our policy debate, it might also instructive to remember how wildly optimistic the CBO projections were not so very long ago with regard to complete elimination of the federal debt. Continue reading