Author Archives: Stephanie Kelton

Yes, Deficit Spending Adds to Private Sector Assets Even With Bond Sales

By Stephanie Kelton

In a recent blog post, I explained that government deficits increase the private sector’s holding of net financial assets. And this led to the following question from one reader:

“How does a chartalist respond to the idea that gov’t spending does not actually add $ to the private economy because of debt issuance?”

And to the following command from another:

“stop insisting that gov’t deficits add wealth to the private sector (they don’t if the gov’t sells debt).”

Apparently, both readers believe that budget deficits could, in theory, increase the private sector’s holding of net financial assets, but that, in practice, they do not because, the sale of bonds “pulls dollars out of the private economy,” leaving the private sector with no net addition to their holding of financial assets.

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Keep the Deficit. Ditch the Doves.

By Stephanie Kelton

I just read another disappointing piece dealing with the preliminary recommendations from President Obama’s fiscal commission, this time from a contributor at The Huffington Post. Like any good deficit “dove,” he concedes the existence of the crisis, which he says any idiot with a third-grade education could recognize:

“The magnitude of the financial management of our government does not require algebra, calculus or knowledge of algorithms.”

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